Want to train with us?

Every week (every day, in fact) we get calls, messages, emails, aboriginal drum beats and bat-signals asking if we’re accepting students or allowing people to train with us as visitors.  We’ve announced this before, but just to clarify, here’s the policy:

EVERYONE is welcome to train with us as a visitor.  There is NO cost right now.  The only price is HONESTY.  Any visitor who is from any other school in or around Austin can train with us 2x per month, provided that they let their instructor know ahead of time.  All you need to do is email us at gracielegacy [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or if you know Donald personally, send him a message via SMS or give him a call.  We limit the number of visitors we have at any given time, because our priority is to take care of the very small number of full team members / students we have.  We’re very focused on the development of our full-time students and have a curriculum tailored around their individual needs and learning curves.  As such, we need to manage the # of visitors who train with us on any given day, such that we don’t take the focus away from our day-to-day goals.

MONDAY and WEDNESDAY are class days.  Technique and drilling only.
TUESDAY and THURSDAY are for training.  Drills and sparring only.
Visitors may attend any of these days with prior approval from Donald and their instructor.

FRIDAY is another class day.  SATURDAY is for training.  SUNDAY is for team strength & conditioning.
These are TEAM ONLY sessions.  You must be a FULL member to attend any of these classes.

If you are a WHITE belt, you can join us, but this is on a case-by-case basis.  Membership is voted on unanimously by the current team.

If you are a BLUE belt or above – this means if you have been promoted above white belt by ANYONE that isn’t on our team – you will unfortunately NOT be able to join until the beginning of 2012.

Why is this?

We posted an article describing our motivation for this restriction earlier (see http://www.gracielegacy.com/how-to-get-started/), but to summarize:

(a) We have a great deal of respect for all the other schools at teachers in Austin.  Whether you’re from Relson Gracie Austin, Paragon, Raptor BJJ / Jeff Rockwell, Gracie Barra, Seguin MMA, Trainer’s Elite, Drysdale BJJ / John’s Gym or any of the myriad schools in town, we know you’re getting great instruction.  We also know that the vast majority of these schools are run by teachers who have devoted their lives to Jiu-Jitsu and to their school.  In many cases, their schools are their livelihood.

Because of this, when we opened our academy, we made it a point to give every other school in the area 6 + months (until January 2012) of notice so that we could be sure that we were supporting our brothers and sisters in the Jiu-Jitsu community and being additive to the landscape of Jiu-Jitsu in the area.  Competition is healthy, we understand that, but it was important to us to start of ‘on the right foot’ such that we weren’t building our foundation by chipping away at the foundation of another.

(b) We respect LOYALTY and HONESTY.  Our head instructor, Donald Park, has been with the same team – Gracie Humaitá – since he began Jiu-Jitsu nearly 15 years ago.  He would be the first to tell you that this tenure would not have been possible without the understanding of two fundamental concepts.  First, loyalty is a two way street.  He has been fortunate that his teachers and mentors have been just as loyal to him (in investing in his development and supporting his growth) as he has been to them.   Second, there is no loyalty without honesty.  Jiu-Jitsu is the most honest endeavor in martial arts today.  Regardless of what you say, you are judged only by what you do – on and off the mat.  How can you expect to trust in what your instructors give you, if they cannot trust in your words and actions???

With these concepts in mind, we know that sometimes students are eager to jump on the newest trends.   It’s our belief that the 6+ month notice / waiting period affords experienced students the opportunity to explore their own feelings and come to an honest decision as to where they may want to train.  Some of you have already discovered that you are comfortable where you are – with the quality of training you are accustomed to, and with the people that you’ve come to know.

On the other hand, we know that for some of you, your decision is already made.  We ask you to be patient. This 6 months allows us with the unique opportunity to start fresh, with our heads held high, knowing that we were fair, uncompromising, honest and honorable.  We know that this 6 months has been a difficult period for you.  But remember, you will have Jiu-Jitsu your whole life.  What is 6 months in a lifetime of learning?

For those of you still interested in joining us, the process remains the same.  Fill out the contact form here:  http://www.gracielegacy.com/how-to-get-started/

We won’t market to you, and unless you have a specific question, we won’t actively reach out to you with a response.  Poor business practice?  ABSOLUTELY YES.  But we have a vision.  Those that are aligned with our vision will be a part of something special in 2012.

We believe we’re doing the right thing.  We also believe that in the long run, this will only serve to benefit the Jiu-Jitsu community in Austin.

One team.  One family.  One legacy.  Gracie Humaitá Austin


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