Soldiers. All of us.

Our team is small.  That is by design.

I stand with only a small cadre of comrades. But I know that EACH of them is a warrior. Slowly and deliberately, we’re adding more to our ranks. One by one, we take on more soldiers and we build them from the ground up. They are indoctrinated with the principles of Jiu-Jitsu and their resolve is tested on a daily basis through training and hardship.   In the end, they will all be able to stand alone – strong, fluid, and with the impregnable defense of a GRACIE fighter.  But they will choose to stay together, knowing that they are strongest as part of a team – learning from each other, testing each other, pushing each other.

I have committed myself to training my first generation of students.  They are being molded as true representatives of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu – equal parts fighter, teacher, artist, defender.  They have committed themselves to this vision as well.  And soon, they’ll commit themselves to the next generation that joins our army.   And so it goes.

What began as a testament to a legacy forged by the Gracie family is now growing, day by day.  We are adding white belts slowly. . . building our core and expanding our reach.  Each one of us is a soldier, harboring the commitment of 10 others.  In time, our commitment will serve as the foundation for an academy that is more than just a group of individuals.  We will be a team of the highest caliber, representing the traditions of the Gracie family and their Jiu-Jitsu forever.    And we will not stop.  No matter where we are, who we face, or what we must do, we will be one family, defending our legacy.

As we grow, we will continue to accept others to join the team.  We’re not seeking credentials, experience, toughness or talent – Jiu-Jitsu will give you all these things.   There is only one pre-requisite: COMMITMENT.  Regardless of your physical abilities, can you commit to this legacy?  Can you commit to this effort?  Can you commit to discovering what you’re capable of achieving in all things?

If the answer is yes, then you are already a warrior.  Other teams are larger.  Other teams have more in the way of resources.  But, “you see, old friend, I brought more soldiers than you did.”


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